Renew with our club!
Subscriptions to Barks and The Record
Exclusive members only content and resources
Voting rights in club legislation
Participation in Silverwood
Please review the BTCA Code of Ethics and refer to the BTCA Constitution and By-Laws for information on these memberships.
Once your application and payment have been received, your name(s) and your sponsor's name(s) will be posted to the BTCA Pending Members list. If no objections have been brought forth, the application will be submitted to the Board of Directors for a vote. (See article 1, section 3 of the BTCA Bylaws)
Notice: Application fees cannot be refunded
Single Membership:
Residents of the United States, Canada, & Mexico
$80 (Includes postage for Barks and The Record)
Residents of all other countries
$100 (Includes postage for Barks and The Record)
Couple/Joint Membership:
Residents of the United States, Canada, & Mexico
$85 (Includes postage for Barks and The Record)
Residents of all other countries
$105 (Includes postage for Barks and The Record)
Spouse/Partner of current member:
$25 (must also apply separately with membership application)
Existing Members Renewing:
Please complete the form below to ensure your contact information is up to date. Once completed you will be redirected to the BTCA Store for membership payment.